Darryl Cox, Jr. - Mixed Media Artist

Commissioned Artwork

Commissioned artwork provides an opportunity to create a work of art that is more meaningful and personal for the owner. Dedicating the hours to fashion an artwork that merges a man-made as well as natural element into a single piece of art that captures imagination, is rewarding. Tailoring a frame specifically for another — is even more rewarding.

Consideration on Stalworth

Fashioning this piece was a distinct endeavor, and positively fulfilling.

I discovered the antique wood & gesso frame in The Dalles, Oregon, situated on the bank of the mighty Columbia River. A perfect match for its counterpart – a brilliant branch, reclaimed from a seldom exposed lakebed in the Willamette National Forest of Oregon; at water levels that have not been as low since 1969!

I always name my Fusion Frame artwork, commissions included. I considered the history of The Hinds Head and the people and communities that have shared in its journey throughout the ages, as well as Chef Heston Blumenthal’s life and accomplishments, before naming this piece.

Meet Stalworth, an applaud to The Hinds Head lasting the centuries, to the people and communities that have shared, share, in its existence, and most certainly to Heston Blumenthal for all he has achieved. What strong, enduring contributions to life – to the journey.

Special thanks to

Steven Saunders
Director, Fabled STUDIO, London, UK
Fabled STUDIO on Facebook

Heston Blumenthal
Proprietor The Hinds Head, Bray, UK
The Hinds Head Bray on Facebook 
Heston Blumenthal on Facebook

Julian Abrams

Commission Inquiries

Please use the contact page and contact me by telephone, form or email at a time that is best for you. Contact Page

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